
Andrew Gaultier - Maddie & Tae

Basil Fung - Frankie Valli and The Four Seasons, Alanis Morissette, Janet Jackson

Brad Davis -
Marty Stuart, Billy Bob Thornton

Steve Blaze - Lillian Axe

Scott Dalhover - Dangerous Toys, Legion of the Dog

Tyron Benoit

Robert Davis - Revis,
Bernard Fowler, Terry Reid

Jonathon "Boogie" Long

Sarah Sheriff - Gillian Smith 

Bo Burkes - Trey Lewis

Tim Marchand  - Karma and The Killjoys

Eddie Heinzelman

Marc Pero

Dylan Hemard - Garguts

Taylor Chellew - Pyrate

Izaiah Forman

Ross Pilcher - Parish County Line

Seth LeCoq - Parish County Line

Steve Stafford

Darren "DPaul" Wise - Empiires

Greg Platzer

Matt Schultz

Rick Ayers - Waste Down Rebels

Corban Barnes

Ian Webster

Mason Fondren

Adam Dale

David Harbour - King Diamond, Chastain

Richard Kendrick

Joey Holaway

Jason Kull

Ben Michon - Big Frank, Woorms, Chemical City Rebels

Mike Learn

Ryan Grizzaffi - Glacial Coffin

John LeBlanc - Golgothan, Glacial Coffin

Michael Blount 

Nathaniel Cox - Revis